About Me

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I am a freelance writer. I've covered the Cincinnati Reds, Bengals and others since 1992. I have a background in sales as well. I've sold consumer electronics, advertising and consumer package goods for companies ranging from the now defunct Circuit City to Procter&Gamble. I have worked as a stats operator for Xavier University, the University of Cincinnati, the College of Mount St. Joe and Colerain High School.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Thom Brennamann Called For A Foul

I know the NBA season ended last night but Thom Brennaman commited a foul already on the broadcast.

For some unknown reason, Thom, tries to make every play seem like a "lead pipe cinch."  Constantly, he calls the play well before its finished.  I don't understand why he does this.  He can wait an extra second and be accurate.

Tonight with Chris Heisey on firstbase and running on the pitch, Miguel Cairo hit a ground ball to second base.  Thom for some reason announced as the ball was hit, "and that's a double play."  Well it wasn't.  Heisey beat the throw.  The rookie shortstop, Dee Gordon, inexperience showed by not dragging his foot across the base to get a call.

Thom Brennaman gets credit for being one of the best announcers in baseball.  I have to disagree, now I'm not saying he's not a great guy.  Which points out another problem I find in Thom's game.  If you're going to make a point, make it. Don't tell me what you're not saying.

Also, I don't think Thom knows the game that well. Not only that I rarely see him in the clubhouse, learning the game.  His father Marty is there all day long and does his homework but I don't see Thom.

As an example, he will criticize a player for swinging at a pitch early in the count when the previous batter walked.  If he would ever ask those that play the game, a player can't afford to take a good pitch to hit.  They have to be aggressive when they see a pitch they can handle.  The pitcher who struggles with control sometimes is so desparate to throw a strike, he gives the hitter a fat pitch.  The hitter should swing at those pitches, first pitch or not.  The result of a particular play is immaterial.  Thom should know this but doesn't.  Sometimes Chris Welsh will subtly correct him but it hasn't seemed to sink in yet.

Also, expressing an opinion adds to the game but why follow it with, "Theres no debate about that." or "NO Question."  Sometimes I just want to shout at the screen.  I can debate that or I have a question about that.

For the record Thom is a great guy.  He has a great voice and technically is among the best yet the flaws that I've mentioned detracts from the game at times.

Baseball Voices

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