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I am a freelance writer. I've covered the Cincinnati Reds, Bengals and others since 1992. I have a background in sales as well. I've sold consumer electronics, advertising and consumer package goods for companies ranging from the now defunct Circuit City to Procter&Gamble. I have worked as a stats operator for Xavier University, the University of Cincinnati, the College of Mount St. Joe and Colerain High School.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Porky Gets a Save For Cueto.

Bullpen Coach Juan Lopez
I just watched the interview with Johnny Cueto on Fox Postgame.  Juan "Porky" Lopez translated.

I'm not sure if Kent "Dream" Weaver (an adopted Colerain guy) asked the question but it was, "What is the importance of having a winning West Coast road trip."

While my spanish is not good enough to translate word for word, Cueto's answer was about how the starters were going deep into the game and basically said nothing about the road trip.

Porky dutifully translated what Cueto did say but to answer the question, he ad libbed the part that answered the question.  I enjoy working with Lopez and Aroldis Chapman's personal translator, who is trainer, Tomas Vera.  I honestly try to converse in spanish when I can but I have limited knowledge.  Both Lopez and Vera help me with my spanish, when they can.

Cueto is getting much better with his english but is just not comfortable with an interview in english.  He is concerned he will not say the right thing under pressure.

Many people aren't aware but Dusty Baker is fairly fluent in spanish.  He made it a point to learn the language while playing in the Winter Leagues.

By Jerry Dowling

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